Sabtu, 09 April 2011


Childbirth is a special time full of memories, welcome to relax and just enjoy,There are some who need to prepare before the birth, among others:

Prepare name
Several months or weeks before the day of delivery, in a relaxed atmosphere you have to hunt for a suitable name, so many choices of books already published the name or brosing also cheating on the internet or where someone who you think is good for the Junior in the future. 

Packing supplies
Once entering the 36th week, should prepare a bag / suitcase for delivery purposes. Fill with clothes and personal toiletries, do not forget some set of baby clothes. Put the bag in a place easily visible, tell her husband and another person who was at home. If necessary, put in the trunk of your car, so whenever your baby is born, you no longer need to search for it. 

Train Breath
This is the key to relaxation. Take a deep breath slowly, hold for a while and feel the air meets the chest cavity. After that, release your breath slowly as well. In addition to feel more relaxed, controlled breathing is very helpful enter the third trimester of pregnancy. 

Shopping clinic
Entering the week of 35-36 you can start choosing the place of delivery. The most important thing is memyesuaikan between type of delivery you want with the place where you will deliver. For example, if you want natural childbirth, do not choose the maternity house that tend to perform surgery on patients. Because it is looking for a maternity reputation information you seek from a friend or member of the mailing list. 

Select normal or Operation
If the delivery deadline has passed but you never contractions, do not rush to decide to decide Caesarean section. Consult with your obstetrician to determine the best step. Your doctor may do to provoke contraction for induction to natural childbirth. In addition to induction supposedly there are other ways quite telling, that is by stimulating the breast nipple. (Uuuwww ...) stimuli that will release the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates the uterus to contract. 

If finally the selected perform surgery and you do not do general anesthesia, then you will see the seconds out of your baby in your belly. Ask your midwife or doctor to get rid of the curtain divider views. Who knows, your husband can get permission to take pictures when that historic. But do not the rich jadiin who now is a trend yes ... like peterporn .. hehehehe ... just a personal collection okaaayyy..... 

Positive Thinking
Avoid to be less afraid and anxious. Childbirth is a natural process that happy. listen to the story of the people closest to having a positive experience during childbirth. Indirectly, the positive energy they will emit a positive effect on your mental condition. The results will likely enjoy the pregnancy and live birth with more calm and easy. ..(b-prakoso/27210001)

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