Minggu, 17 April 2011

Finally He Came ...

Flooding ....? Yeah right! "Are now coming rainy season with rainfall intensity is high enough, from January to February in the prediction of rain rate. Get ready people whose houses are always subscribe to flooding each year. Are you ready yourself?

FLOOD is inundated events and setting the mainland (usually dry) because of the increased volume of water. Flooding can occur due to excessive water peluapan somewhere due to heavy rain, peluapan river water, or the outbreak of the river dam.

Flash Flood is a flood coming suddenly that caused by the blockage of rivers and forests along the river because pengundulan destroying people's homes and lives. In many arid regions of the world, the soil has poor water absorption capacity, or amount of rainfall exceeds the ability of soil to absorb water. When rain falls, which sometimes happens is a sudden flood caused terisinya dry water channel with water.

Floods almost every rainy season hit Indonesia. Based on the value of damages and frequency of flood events seen a significant increase. Flood disasters are largely influenced by natural factors such above-normal rainfall and the rising tide of sea water. Besides man-made factors also play a role such as inappropriate land use (settlements in the area of ​​flood plains, in the catchment areas, deforestation, etc.), disposal of garbage into the river, residential development in flood plain areas and so forth.

Identify Cause Flooding

· High rainfall

· The surface soil was lower than sea level.

· Located in a basin surrounded by hills with narrow keiuar water drainage.

· Many settlements are built on the plains along the rivers.

· River flow is not smooth due to the many garbage and building on the riverbank.

· Lack of land cover in upstream areas.

Actions To Reduce Flood Impacts

· Structuring watersheds in an integrated and appropriate land use.
· Development of monitoring and early warning system on the river which often cause flooding.

· Unable to build houses and settlements in the flood plains and flood zones.

· Not throwing garbage into the rivers. Hold River Dredging Program.

· Installation of pumps to the area which is lower than sea level.

· Rehabilitation program is the headwaters of the river should always be carried out and reduce activity in the flood-prone river.

What to Do Before Flooding

On the Level Residents

· Together with related officials and administrators of the neighborhood closest to clean the environment around you, especially on the water or sewer of landfill waste.

· Determine the exact location of Post Floods to evacuate complete with communal kitchen and toilet facilities, along with clean water supply through coordination with related officials, along with administrators RT / RW in your neighborhood.

· Joint administrators RT / RW in your area, quickly form flood prevention team at the level of citizens, such as the appointment of personnel in charge of post flood.

· Coordinate through the neighborhood, the local District Council, and NGOs for the provision of rope, rope, rubber boats and buoys in order to evacuate.

· Make sure all communications equipment is ready for use, in order to facilitate searching for information, ask for help or confirmation.
Family Level

 · Check out the latest information through TV, radio or team warning residents about rainfall and water on the gate position.

· Complete with safety equipment such as radio batteries, flashlights, gas lighters and candles, blankets, mats, rainwear, rubber tires if any.

· Prepare easy-eat foods such as instant noodles, fish sauce, rice, baby food, sugar, coffee, tea and water supply.

· Prepare emergency drugs such as oral rehydration salts, anti-diarrhea, anti-influenza.

· Secure important documents such as birth certificates, family cards, savings book, certificates and valuable objects from the reach of the water and the hands of ignorant.

What to Do When Flood

· Turn off the electricity in the house or contact the PLN to switch off electricity in areas hit by disaster,

· Evacuate to safer areas as early as possible while still allowing a pool of water to cross.

· Avoid running near channel water to avoid flooding swept away. Immediately secure the valuables place higher.

• If water continues to escalate contact the agencies related to disaster management such as the Office of Village Head, headman or sub-district head.

What to Do After the Flood

· Immediately clean the house, where the floor is generally covered with mud and use an antiseptic to kill germs.

· Search and prepare clean water to avoid outbreaks of diarrhea that is often contagious diseases after flood events.

· Be alert to the possibility of poisonous animals like snakes and centipedes, or spreading animal diseases such as rats, cockroaches, flies, and mosquitoes.

· Try to always be alert when the possibility of subsequent flooding.

It's getting you ready? (b-prakoso)

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