Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Ethics and the Environment

Issues that are much talked about in recent years is about global warming. Many factors could cause global warming. Of all factors, many of which are the result of human negligence. Such as pollution and use of natural resources (natural resources) are not responsible. For that we need to maintain awareness of environmental sustainability.

Loh ...? what to do with environmental ethics? This time the writer wants to write a small custom-ability that is usually forgotten by us at the office or workplace. Definition of Ethics by etymology comes from the Greek comes from the word "ethos" meaning character or morals or the ability of local mores. Or commonly called by the study of good and bad deeds. Or the science of what is common practice or knowledge of the customs that are often done.

Habit? yaa ... little toxicity forgotten that this is not unexpected will result in something bad for our own and others' examples is due to bad habits on the environment that we do that cause global warming or global warming.

We, too, can participate, which spent a lot of our daily activities in the office. The little things we can do while in office, for example:

1. Using ATK, especially paper wisely.
 Because paper is made from cellulose wood fiber. More and more paper is used more and more trees are felled.Paper is used as needed for important documents and that will be archived. If only for single use and disposed of, good idea to use recycled paper. This could of used paper documents that were not used again or recycled paper.

2. Conserve Electricity and Water Usage
 With receipts lights, air conditioners, tools elekrik, and water as necessary (turned off when not in use), of course not only save costs but also saves the use of natural materials such as (coal, petroleum, and natural gas) used as power plants.

3. Using the Re-Use Containers Eating.
 At lunch time we recommend using rice paper and plastic as food packaging, better bring food containers that can be used repeatedly.In addition to more efficient land certainly was not polluted. Plastics are widely used synthetic biodegradable by soil bacteria is difficult and will be destroyed thousands of years.

4. Various Planting Plants
 Not only make the office environment looks beautiful and lovely but also help produce oxygen gas (O2) for respiration of living things.If the page can narrow office with potted plants, polybag or hydrophonik.

Yupp .. we can start it from good habits around us, for example in the work environment we had, or even of our own ethics in order to create good in ourselves and the environment. "Starting from a small, Starting from now, and the Start of yourself." Hopefully useful. (B-prakoso/2010)

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